Permanent update: see below (scroll all the way down to read the update!)
We cannot allow this as born again and determined Christians! Martin is not even 35 years old.No matter how it looks and stands around Martin: JESUS CHRIST is greater and in HIM is the life and the truth alone!
- We pray for complete recovery and that Jesus Christ will touch Martin in body, soul and spirit.
- We pray that Jesus Christ will make Martin completely well again. That his brain will be completely healthy again and function in the divine order of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We pray that all of Martin's brain cells and nerve bundles will be completely renewed by Jesus Christ.
- We pray that the whole cerebral spinal canal is completely free and the cerebral spinal fluid can circulate healthily.
- We bind the spirit of stroke, paralysis, infirmity and convulsions and send it away (and bind all the attacks of the enemy sent against Martin)
- We pray that Jesus Christ will come into Martin with His light and all darkness, sickness and evil must go out of him (James 1:17, Jesus is the light [John 3:19])
- We break all curses on Martin (Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 118:17) etc...
Thank you very much!
God's blessing!
Current situation around Martin:
Wednesday, 05.07.2023
Martin is doing better. He is no longer in a coma and he has had his eyes open more often in the last few days. But it seems that he is not conscious yet. He has also been placed on a mobilization chair several times in the last few days. The seizures have subsided greatly. Nights have been quiet for the most part. Sometimes he has a fever and sweats a lot.
Prayers continue to be said for Martin. Please continue to pray for him and feel free to continue to send impressions to the Email addresses above. Also pray for his girlfriend, Kathi and his parents and sister, Saphira. We see that God is working, but it is still a struggle.
Please continue to pray for complete healing, also for complete salvation, that Jesus Christ would touch him completely and that he would make a decision in his heart for Jesus Christ (pray for grace and mercy for Martin and that God would forgive his sins). Bind the demons and cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ. Pray for Martin to come back completely and for him to be back in complete consciousness. Put him under the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ again and again and speak the Blood and Light of Jesus Christ into all his body cells. Especially the demons of death, fear and satanic attack. You can find the exact prayer points in the general call above.
Thank you. The peace and grace of Jesus Christ with you!
Monday, 10.07.2023
Martin is getting better and better. On July 9, while visiting his family, he responded to requests by already moving his hand twice when prompted. He is not conscious yet, but has his eyes open more and more often and is also in the mobilization chair repeatedly. According to the physiotherapist, the cerebrospinal fluid is draining better, but it is still not optimal. All in all, Martin is much more relaxed since a few days, he has no more cramps (he stretches from time to time) and there are always more awake phases (up to half an hour, during which he also pressed and moved his left hand and had his eyes open).
We continue to pray for Martin's deliverance and complete recovery. Please continue to pray with us, including all the points already mentioned before. We want to see a perfect restoration of Martin's health and salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ!
The doctors have diagnosed a germ in Martin that, although not extraordinary and of particular concern, is debilitating and may prevent an upcoming necessary surgery. However, the blood of Jesus Christ is stronger than all bacteria, germs and viruses! We pray that the blood of Jesus Christ will destroy all germs, bacteria and viruses in and around Martin. Hallelujah!
Please pray especially for the parents and his siblings and for his girlfriend, that their faith will not waver and that the devil will not be able to sow doubt and that they will resist the evil whispers of the Adversary. It is, as you can imagine, a very hard time and probation for all, both in faith and humanly.
We thank you! The peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
Friday, 14.07.2023
The Lord is working and Martin is making progress! Hallelujah! Thank you for all your prayers!
Martin is sitting more and more often in the mobilization chair.
On 13.07. an operation was actually scheduled, in which among other things his front bone from the skull, which was operated out of him, was to be put back in. However, since the doctors had determined that he had contracted a germ (according to the attending physician, not an extraordinary one that can be treated with antibiotics), this surgery was postponed for the time being. As mentioned, the doctors think that there is a good chance to eliminate the germ with antibiotics. That's probably why he keeps having elevated temperature and sweating a lot.
On Thursday, Martin had to be moved to another room (in the semi-intensive care unit) (because his room was needed elsewhere), which has already caused him a lot of stress.
Since the nurses and caregivers on the new ward do not know Martin yet, it has led to increased stress situations in the beginning (Martin cannot communicate and one can only assess his state of mind by blood pressure and heart rate, among other things). He also has to have mucus sucked out of his lungs again and again.
His caregiver observes that every now and then he has really awake moments where he consciously looks at you. His parents have also noticed the same thing during their visits in the last few days.
We continue to pray for Martin
- for quick and complete restoration/healing of the whole body.
- for Martin's spiritual deliverance from all old entanglements and bondages (complete deliverance)
- and continue to break all curses and bind all attacks of the enemy against him
- and destroy all germs and inflammations in Martin's body with the blood of Jesus Christ
- that God continues to give him favor with the new nurses and caregivers who are now taking care of him and that they realize very much how Martin is (after all, it is very difficult when someone cannot communicate)
- that all stretching spasms (or epileptic seizures, both are of demonic origin and must therefore be cast out) must go away in Jesus' name (the doctors or the nursing staff have not yet been able to make a sure diagnosis there)
- that God heals all still open physical wounds.
And we continue to pray for his girlfriend, His parents and his brothers and sisters, who are currently in a hard spiritual battle for Martin and have to fight again and again with attacks of discouragement.
JESUS CHRIST is victor and by His wounds we / is Martin healed! (Isaiah 53:4 and 5) Amen! We proclaim the victory and peace and health of the Lord Jesus Christ over Martin and into all his body cells! We do not give up! We do not look to the power of medicine and antibiotics, we look to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He has also given us! The Lord Jesus is a God of perseverance and comfort! (Romans 15:5!)
We thank you all for your prayers and perseverance for Martin!
The peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you!
Wednesday, 19.07.2023
Martin had fever with max. almost 39 °C in the last days from time to time. But this has become better since two days. He is more restless on the new ward than on the one he knew before. He also stretches more than before (it is assumed that it is either spasticity or epileptic seizures), which may probably have to do with the stress caused by the new environment and the strangers. These are not yet as familiar with Martin's process and care. The surgery (where, among other things, the skull bone will be reinserted) has not yet taken place because the inflammation levels were still too high. But in the meantime they have decreased again. In the next few days a decision will be made and a date set for the operation. Today they started with the weaning from the tracheotomy!
There are other prayer impressions that we also want to make known here, so that all of us who pray for Martin also know how to pray, what to bind and what to loosen:
Various prayers kept getting the impression that Martin is still bound by satanic/demonic forces. This impression was also confirmed by other intercessors. Someone saw, among other things, how Martin was wrapped with a thick rope. Especially the head was extremely wrapped. However, God also communicated that with every day of prayer Martin's ropes and bonds continue to be cut. Again and again, we are also given the impression that when we pray for Martin, we should frequently cry out the name of JESUS CHRIST over him. So we are asked to continue to pray for Martin without slackening and not to be unsettled. The Lord JESUS CHRIST is victor!
We continue to pray for all the above points that we have already indicated since the beginning of the call to prayer.
- we continue to bind all the attacks of the enemy that have been sent against Martin
- we cut off all the ties, all the entanglements that have been tied by the evil one to Martin in the name of the Lord JESUS CHRIST with the Holy Blood of JESUS CHRIST
- we continue to speak liberation/freedom of the Lord JESUS CHRIST in Martin
- we continue to pronounce the name of JESUS CHRIST over Martin
We should be truly encouraged and continue to persevere in the fire of the Holy Spirit, in the assurance of faith, and in the joy of fighting as victors in the Lord! God wants everyone to get well or be well. There is no doubt, but no doubt at all, that God wants Martin to be completely healthy and whole again in the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.
Thank you to all the faithful intercessors who have kept on until today. Let us continue to afflict God and tell Him that we want to see His power in Martin!
Let us continue to be bold and undaunted! (Joshua 1:9)
Saturday, 22.07.2023
When Martin's girlfriend was with him on Thursday, she had the feeling that Martin would understand her if she said something to him. He reacted more often by blinking. Today, Saturday, the bed was mechanically raised for the first time so that Martin could sit in it. This was exhausting for him, but at least he managed 13 minutes. During today's visit to his parents, Martin had his eyes open for almost the entire time (over 6 hours). Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! What progress! But we want to see complete healing from Jesus Christ. Thank you Jesus!
After their examinations, the doctors said that the cerebrospinal fluid was still backing up. However, the blood clot has decreased.
What we pray for:
- That the cerebrospinal fluid can circulate normally again between the brain and the lumbar spine and that all blockages in the cerebrospinal fluid channel are completely gone.
- That the spasticity and epileptic seizures disappear completely.
- That the whole brain comes completely back into the perfect order of Jesus Christ. All damage must go away in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! All of Martin's brain cells come into the divine order, quality and quantity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Complete deliverance of Martin from all influences and fetters of Satan.
incl. all prayer points already mentioned above - That the spasticity and epileptic seizures disappear completely.
- That the whole brain comes completely back into the perfect order of Jesus Christ. All damage must go away in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! All of Martin's brain cells come into the divine order, quality and quantity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Complete deliverance of Martin from all influences and fetters of Satan.
- incl. all prayer points already mentioned above
We continue to thank you in the name of Martin, his girlfriend and his parents and all his family members for your continued, powerful prayer in the Lord!
Monday, 01.08.2023
Martin sits regularly in the mobilisation chair and also has physiotherapy every now and then and he does breathing and swallowing exercises.
Unfortunately, he only weighs 52 kg now.
Martin has not had a fever for a few days.
The germ he contracted is no longer relevant.
The operation for the capping (the front skull bone will be reinstalled) is scheduled for 11 August.
His heart rates are all in all relaxed and not as high as before and he gives a much more relaxed impression than before. His nights are more relaxed and calm.
When Martin's girlfriend was holding his right hand, she asked him if he could give it a squeeze. That's when he moved the fingers of his right hand!
Sometimes Martin still stretches (apparently these are spastic seizures caused by the brain injury).
All in all, Martin is slightly better and has more awake moments. He responds to speech and also focuses his contacts.
We continue to pray for all the points already known (see above).
We do not give up and want to see the glory of God! We believe that Jesus Christ has all authority in the heavens as well as on earth (Mt. 28:18) and we believe that empowered prayer can lead to spontaneous and complete healing. Let us persevere, overcome and look to Jesus Christ to pray, command, loose and bind in unity and faith (Hebrews 11:1). Hallelujah! Jesus is victor!
We thank all of you who are still faithfully and devotedly praying for Martin. Pray also for Martin's parents and his whole family and girlfriend, that they will be strengthened and their faith will grow in this hard time.
God's peace and grace to you!
Wednesday, 09.08.2023
The nights with Martin are meanwhile mostly calm and mostly also without fever and without sweating. Martin has often his eyes open and responds to instructions. The psychologist who was consulted thinks that Martin is not in a waking coma, because he reacts on request and can already fixate with his eyes. In the meantime he has been in the mobilization chair for a longer time (up to 3 hours). He also gets ergo- and physical therapy.
The doctors say that Martin is in a "vegetative" state. The definition is this: "A vegetative state is characterized by the absence of responsiveness and alertness as a result of massive dysfunction of both cerebral hemispheres, but with sufficient residual function of the diencephalon and brainstem to maintain autonomic and motor reflexes and sleep-wake cycles."
Martin has been stretching more frequently lately (spasticity or epileptic seizures), and his feet and hands continue to be often cramped unnaturally turned in.
The planned surgery on Friday, August 11, during which, among other things, the anterior skull bone (capping) was to be reinserted, has now been postponed again until further notice because there is no bed available for the subsequent care in the intensive care unit.
We continue to pray for all the points already listed above and especially that
- Martin's brain cells will be completely restored in the order, quality and quantity of the Lord Jesus Christ
- the missing (taken out) skull bone (cap) will grow back completely supernaturally fast even without surgery - with God all things are possible and to him who has faith also (Mark 9:23)!
- We bind all the attacks of the enemy sent against Martin and we bind especially the activities of the spirits of convulsion / spasticity and epilepsy and command these spirits to depart from Martin in authority of the name of Jesus Christ.
We thank you so much for your faithful prayers and we continue to grow with the challenges and in faith. Hallelujah!
The peace and the grace of Jesus Christ be with you!
Update on Wednesday, 23.08.2023
After Martin's surgery had to be postponed twice for an uncertain time, surprisingly a timely surgery date was found: It was Thursday, 17.08.2023! During this surgery his skull bone (capping) was reinserted. It had to be partially replaced with foreign material because it was partially destroyed beyond repair in the accident. According to the operating doctors, the surgery was demanding but successful. Martin had no significant side effects. He recovered amazingly well from the surgery, and there was no significant swelling or bruising on his face. On Monday, 21.08.2023 the head bandage was already taken off again. Now only a plaster covers the surgical wound. The wound heals well, the plaster does not wet, as the doctors informed.
A germ could also no longer be detected. Martin seems tired after the operation and sleeps a lot.
Martin's nights are mostly quiet, sometimes he has a fever.
He still stretches (spasticity) and apparently has (mild) epileptic seizures. He had bitten his lip today.
On Tuesday, 22.08.2023 Martin was transferred back to the rehabilitation clinic, where he was before the surgery.
We continue to pray / respectively fight, bind and solve:
- complete recovery of Martin (completely new brain cells in the perfect order, number and quality of the Lord Jesus Christ).
- binding/expelling of the spasticity or epilepsy
- complete liberation for Martin and detachment from all satanic/occult attacks and bindings
- that Martin's consciousness comes back and takes complete control again
- etc.
We also ask for increased prayers for the family so that no doubts will arise and the faith of all family members will remain stable and grow during this difficult and challenging time.
We thank the faithful fellow prayers who have faithfully kept on until now. We are not giving up. We see by many things that the hand and favor of God is upon Martin. We expect the complete, quick restoration of Martin in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Update on Thursday, 28.09.2023
With Martin it goes slowly - but surely - uphill. In the meantime he had two more surgeries, because the cerebral fluid could not drain properly. Therefore a shunt was inserted. (A shunt is, in short, an artificial drainage of cerebrospinal fluid from the head to reduce the pressure that has developed in the head).
In the meantime, Martin has more and more waking moments. He has his eyes open often and seems to be phasically aware of his surroundings more and more. He has also been taken out to the terrace of the rehab center every now and then to be outdoors, which he has enjoyed very much.
Martin keeps responding more and more to prompts, such as squeezing his hand.
Unfortunately, Martin spasms every now and then. He stretches so to speak (spasticity). He also sometimes bites his lips, which could still indicate epileptic seizures.
Martin now gets regular treatments such as physiotherapy.
Since he apparently has pain in his head from time to time, the doctors assume that new brain cells and brain areas are now forming, which can also be associated with pain.
Martin has always been under artificial respiration. But on Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023, he breathed on his own for the first time for about 5 hours without a ventilator attachment! Hallelujah!
We see that things are getting better and better, albeit slowly, but surely.
We continue to pray for all of the above and thank God for the complete recovery of Martin's brain and his whole body.
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
(Jesus Christ, Mark 11:24, NIV)
Update on Thursday, 12.10.2023
Martin is doing better and better. It goes, as already mentioned in the last update, steadily uphill, albeit slowly, but steadily.
Martin's consciousness is coming back more and more! He is responding more and more to commands, has his eyes open more and more often and responds to being spoken to and eye contact. He is not only squeezing a hand longer, but also more firmly. Martin has also gained weight, which is also very important for regular physical therapy.
Martin stretches violently every now and then (spastic seizures/spasms).
We continue to stay on it and continue to pray and continue to trust in God.
Please continue to pray for the parents, siblings and his girlfriend Kathi, that they will take courage and keep going and that the Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen them with His love and peace and faith. Thank you!
Update on Thursday, 23.11.2023
Martin is really making progress! Small but steady. Yes, there are always setbacks, but more on that later.
In the meantime, the following has happened with Martin:
Martin is responding to instructions more and more often. For example, he blinks his eyes to communicate. He also does this on request. He also responds by squeezing one hand several times. In the meantime, another operation has been carried out to repair the inserted skull bone (part of it is artificial). It has become inflamed, so Martin is now being given antibiotics for a few weeks. In the meantime, Martin has also moved various fingers and closed his hand several times. And then there was something really nice: "Martin moved his right leg to the left and back this evening (quote from 5 November 2023), then put it down and relaxed." Hallelujah! Yes, things are progressing, slowly but steadily. God is good! Martin often breathes for several hours on his own, i.e. without a machine. He can now manage up to five hours. His lung/breathing muscles are getting stronger! He has also moved one of his ankles inwards on his own. He has even swallowed a sip of water that was given to him. He is now awake more often and also fixates more with his eyes.
Unfortunately, there is also some not-so-good news: the doctors have unfortunately reduced or stopped the high-calorie diet again, so that Martin has fallen back into a dangerously weak state, as he has lost weight because he has not been getting the calories he urgently needs. He needs this high-calorie food because he also often has physiotherapy.
Sometimes he still stretches a little, but it is generally less and weaker.
We continue to pray with the points already mentioned above.
We also pray that all the inflammation in Martin's body will disappear and that the surgical wound in his skull will finally grow together perfectly in the order of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We should place Martin under the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ several times a day and bless all his body cells with the Blood of Jesus Christ.
In addition, it is very important that we bind all attacks of the enemy against Martin and ward off and stop all attempts of the enemy to weaken Martin in any way (for example, wrong, low-calorie food). This is also and especially a spiritual battle. We have now realised this.
We also thank you for your prayers for Martin's whole family, his parents, his siblings and his girlfriend.
Many thanks to all those who have faithfully prayed for Martin so far. The Lord Jesus Christ is victorious and that also in Martin's case! Amen.
The peace and grace of Jesus Christ be with you all.
Update on Thursday, 21.12.2023
Hallelujah! God is good! Jesus Christ is victorious! JESUS CHRIST is our LORD and our physician! (Exodus 15:26). If we just persevere and keep on praying and fighting, then we will see the glory of God.
Martin is already feeling better. He is more and more awake and actively looking. There is lot of prayers, also repeatedly at his bedside in the rehabilitation clinic. We continue to fight with the laying on of hands and prayer. We do not give up, but continue to persevere and pray. Even if it sometimes seems as if nothing is moving or that there are even setbacks: We keep believing and trusting and praying! And God is working! Hallelujah!
Martin often breathes alone for nights, without a ventilator. His lung muscles are now strong enough. However, the mucus has to be suctioned out of his lungs again and again. The parents, siblings and Martin's girlfriend are tireless in their support for Martin, in their care, their prayers and also in everything they can do to help the doctors.
Sometimes there are restless nights with sweating and a high temperature, but this then returns to normal.
Overall, Martin is more relaxed now. The painkillers have also been reduced.
He sometimes sits in a wheelchair for an hour and is otherwise also sat up in bed.
Martin responds to requests and sometimes squeezes his girlfriend's hand and even moves a leg.
Martin has also eaten a little banana in the last few days and has drunk from a glass of water that has been held to his mouth! He also clasps the glass well with his lips. Hallelujah! God is good!
In the meantime, his father is practicing speaking with him. Sometimes a sound comes out, but accompanied by a cough.
The open area on his coccyx (decubitus ulcer) has now been lasered and has grown over surprisingly quickly.
Martin now has a hopeful and harmonious facial expression and the scars on his head have healed wonderfully.
Dear brothers and sisters, please pray for Martin's family and girlfriend, who are truly tireless in their fight and are really willing to make great sacrifices. The father in particular is an example of incredible love for his son. He is almost always with Martin, even though he has a three-hour drive to the rehabilitation clinic. Please pray for the whole family, that God will continue to give them the supernatural strength, love, health, faith and trust of the Holy Spirit.
We will not give up! God is good and Jesus Christ is victor and we with Him more than conquerors! There is slow but steady progress. We believe that God will make Martin whole again. We do not doubt, we do not question, we do not accuse God. We pray and believe that Jesus Christ answers every single prayer and above all He sees the crying hearts and the indescribable love and devotion of Martin's family and all who pray for Martin.
Hebrews 11:1-3, James 1:3,6-7 and 5:11.
We continue to pray in faith and trust and in authority. Thank you for your prayers and your perseverance.
Thank you!
At the end of January 2024, Martin was transferred from one of the rehab clinics in Ingolstadt to an intensive care residential community in the wider Stuttgart area. He is now close to his parents again and his parents no longer have to travel for hours to get there. Thank you Jesus!
So far, Martin has been well cared for in this intensive care flat-sharing community, although there are still too few carers to guarantee truly optimal care and support (prayer request!).
In the meantime, communication with Martin has improved. He has developed his communication skills with his eyes to such an extent that he can communicate very well under optimal conditions. Communication with his hands has deteriorated somewhat. He focuses longer with his eyes.
At an appointment to fit Martin with a customised tracheostomy tube (a breathing attachment that is placed over a hole in the windpipe that has been artificially created by a tracheotomy), the doctor in charge decided that this was not yet ready.
It is a prayer that the available nursing places in this intensive care residential community will be fully occupied, as more nursing staff will then be authorised, which will lead to even better care and support.
His neck, throat and torso muscles still need to be strengthened.
Martin already breathes independently for several hours without technical assistance, but the aim is for him to be able to breathe completely without technical assistance again. He should be able to breathe in and out completely independently through his mouth and nose.
It is also important that Martin is authorised to stay in a rehabilitation clinic again in the next few months. This is so important because the medical and technical measures can be carried out even more intensively there (body activation, etc.).
In addition, various technical devices for mobilisation must be approved by the health insurance company to ensure faster and higher quality rehabilitation.
Of course, the main prayer request is and remains that Martin will be fully restored/healthy. We pray that Martin will receive new brain cells, in the divine order, quality and quantity of the Lord Jesus Christ!
The parents and Martin's siblings continue to be grateful for every prayer and thank you for all the prayers so far!
There is very good news from Martin! During one of the last days Martin sat in his wheelchair and moved his right leg several times on call! Hallelujah! The relatives say that Martin has not made such a movement when spoken to since the accident. We are very happy and thank the Lord Jesus Christ and continue to pray! As you can see, prayer works. We just have to persevere and continue in thankfulness and expectation in the Lord! Thank you for your continued prayers! Here is the short video:
Update on Wednesday, 31.07.2024
During his stay in the intensive care and residential community so far, Martin has communicated with his family through his eyes almost every day. He moved his leg when called (see video and update from 12/03) and sometimes he also moved his head to look at or follow something. The access via the tracheostoma (a tracheotomy in which an access is made via the soft tissue of the neck) was replaced by a placeholder. Martin now had to concentrate more on his breathing and make more of an effort.
Unfortunately, some of the progress he had made in terms of mobility and attention declined during this time.
Martin returned to a rehabilitation clinic on Lake Constance in mid-May. This was because there are further treatment/therapy options there. The appointment for a stay at the rehabilitation clinic was not actually planned until today, 31 July, but in God's favour he was able to get there a good two months earlier because a place had become available.
Martin's birthday was at the end of May. The whole family was gathered in Martin's lounge. Suddenly a funny situation arose in the group, which Martin realised and laughed at! This was the first time his family had ever seen him laugh! So he reacts more and more to his environment and recognises what is happening around him and he also consciously notices things.
Martin receives daily occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy at this rehabilitation clinic. He is currently trying to ensure that he can drink thickened liquids. However, there is no sign of any progress, in fact he is regressing. He has not moved his leg for a long time and the doctors say that he has become more immobile. This is now to be remedied with a Baclofen pump (an active ingredient used to reduce and alleviate increased muscle tension (spasticity)). Martin will need an operation for this. The family is currently waiting for approval from the health insurance company so that the operation can take place.
Martin is a fighter and he wants to keep fighting! He has moved his finger three times in a row this week on demand! Martin's father also asked him this week whether they should continue to fight for him and whether he wants to continue fighting: Martin clearly communicated a YES (he closed his eyes for a longer period of time in the agreed manner, which means "yes").
In the last few days Martin had a fever (the doctors diagnosed corona), in the meantime the fever is slowly subsiding again.
Please continue to pray for Martin for a full recovery so that he is completely healthy again. The Bible says that Jesus Christ healed all who came to Him and asked for healing. Martin continues to fight and we ask for continued prayer for Martin.
Please also pray for all family members, that they will not lose heart, stay healthy and not start to doubt.
"All things are possible to him who believes." (Mark 9:23)
Update on Tuesday, 13.08.2024
Martin has survived the corona infection well and quickly. He now moves the fingers of both hands after a few seconds when called.
The health insurance company has approved the Baclofen pump (see update from 31 July). The operation, i.e. the insertion of the pump, will probably take place tomorrow, 14 August.
A meeting with the doctor performing the operation will take place today.
We continue to thank you for praying for Martin in all areas and for the family.
God's blessing!
Update on Tuesday, 20/08/2024
Martin has had a dramatic week. But God is good and Martin is doing well again.
Martin has now undergone surgery and the Baclofen pump has been implanted in his abdomen. This operation was successful so far. However, on Friday, 16 August, Martin was diagnosed with a large haematoma (haematoma, leakage of blood from injured blood vessels in the body tissue) in his abdomen. He was then admitted as an emergency from the rehabilitation clinic to another clinic and operated on in the night from Friday to Saturday because of this haematoma. The aim was to stop the haemorrhage.
This emergency operation also went well. The doctors discovered that the haemorrhage had stopped on its own (!). They only had to remove the haematoma. As a result of this haemorrhage, Martin has a haemoglobin value (Hb value) of almost half that of a healthy person. The doctors decided to give Martin 2 units of blood because of this low haemoglobin level.
Martin is now much more awake and is not only moving his eyes, but also his head! His Hb level has risen and he is now back in the rehabilitation clinic.
At the moment it is difficult for Martin to breathe because he has a lot of mucus in his lungs. Sometimes the mucus is too viscous, then it is liquid again.
Prayer request:
Please pray that Martin will be fully recovered and especially that his brain will be completely new or restored and that he will be fully conscious again.
Please continue to pray for the whole family! Thank you!
The peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Update on Monday, 09.09.2024
Martin is more awake and breathing much better again! He no longer has to take antibiotics or painkillers (because of the surgical wound from the Baclofen pump and the repeated cutting due to the haematoma). When his mum and sister visited him, he smiled. He now smiles from time to time in funny situations.
At the moment he often has low blood pressure of less than 100 and has therefore not been allowed in a wheelchair for the last 3 days. The cause is probably the adjustment to the current dose of the Baclofen pump.
On request, Martin now also moves his fingers, hand and arms. (See video below!)
Prayer request:
Continue to pray for Martin's complete recovery/restoration. God is able! If Jesus Christ raised a deceased person who had already been dead for four days, if He was able to make the blind see, the deaf hear and the paralysed walk - and these miracles are still happening worldwide today - then Martin can also be completely healed again with the grace of God! Continue to pray for the whole family! Thank you!
Update on Tuesday, 24.09.2024
Martin's blood pressure is stable again and he is allowed back in his wheelchair every day. When prompted, he slowly moves his arm towards his stomach. He looks more awake and is breathing well. He smiles from time to time. His hips are more mobile. Unfortunately, his feet are still turned inwards. According to the doctors, Martin will probably remain in rehabilitation clinic until 4th October.
We continue to ask for prayer for complete healing and that the doctors and therapists will receive wisdom from God as to which therapeutic measures (for the feet, mobility and communication) are now beneficial.
We also thank you for continuing to pray for the whole family.
May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
Update on Friday, 15.11.2024
Martin has now returned from the rehabilitation clinic to the care facility and has settled in well again. Breathing is difficult for him at the moment. He often has to cough. His feet are still turned inwards and pointed. Communication with him should be further developed. We are delighted and very grateful to Jesus Christ that Martin often smiles or sometimes laughs. Soon, devices for moving the arms will also be used.
Prayer requests are still
==> the pointed feet turned inwards, that they move back into the normal position
==> the complete restoration of Martin's brain and his perfect health
==> the parents and siblings of Martin, that the almighty I AM will continue to give them strength and confidence and strengthen their faith in a complete healing of Martin.
Many thanks to the faithful and persevering intercessors! May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!
Update on Wednesday, 11.12.2024
In the first week of December, we visited Martin in his residential care community. We hadn't seen Martin for some time and were very impressed by how alert he was! Martin not only looks very alert, but is really awake and can clearly follow things around him mentally. His eyes are open and his left eye in particular is mobile and always alert. Martin observes his surroundings as far as he can and follows conversations very attentively, even if they are not taking place directly with him. He sometimes laughs at the right time when something funny is being said in the room but not directly to him. Martin also responds to questions. He can't talk yet and his motor skills are still dormant, but he responds with his eyes. If he closes his eyes for more than two seconds, it means yes and if he doesn't close them, it means: No. Last week, a therapist came and practiced communication with Martin using a speech computer. Communication takes place via the eyes, with which he has to fixate certain points. But this is still in its infancy. What impressed us again and again is that Martin really reacts when something is explained to him and that he smiles and sometimes even laughs. That also brought us a lot of joy. The grace of Jesus Christ is great! God has restored Martin bit by bit so far. Yes, Martin is awake and his passive cognition seems to be fully restored. Now it is a matter of restoring his speech center and motor center completely. We have every confidence in this, as we have also seen how God has restored everything so far. Hallelujah!
Prayer request:
In the last few days, Martin has had to vomit more often. There are speculations that it could be due to para-enteral feeding (i.e. direct feeding of liquid food into the stomach/intestinal tract), but this is only an assumption. As only secretions come out when vomiting, it could also just be the mucus accumulated during the night.
Please continue to pray for Martin's complete recovery, that Jesus Christ will fully restore his brain and that it will work 100% according to God's order. We keep speaking the glory and resurrection power and a new brain in the complete order of the Lord Jesus Christ into Martin's brain.
Specifically, we also pray that Martin's speech center and motor center will be touched by Jesus Christ and fully restored.
After the progress Martin has made in the last 1.5 years, we have all hope and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ that God will restore him completely.
Please continue to pray for the family, that their uncompromising faith in Jesus Christ's omnipotence will continue and be further strengthened.
We have witnessed almost from the beginning how the family has cared very intensively for Martin and how they have also fought for everything that is materially necessary for Martin with the health insurance company. Martin's father in particular has been working tirelessly since the accident. We are really impressed and praise God for this almost unbelievable work for Martin, which his father in particular does for him. This faithfulness and loving care touches us deeply in our hearts every time! Please pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to give him this supernatural joy and strength so that he can continue to be there for Martin, alongside all his other obligations such as his job etc., until divine restoration.
We thank the Lord for His incomprehensible grace and mercy. He is the almighty God and He gives life and strength! Hallelujah!
We are very grateful to Jesus Christ for touching us so much in our encounter with Martin and his caring and loving family. We have gained more faith and confidence through these circumstances and Jesus Christ has also led our hearts to deeper perspectives of the love of God through His love in this situation around Martin. Yes, through these circumstances God shows us His incomprehensibly great love and care, His devotion to us humans. Above all, Jesus expresses His love very emphatically through the people around Martin. If we look beyond these earthly circumstances and turn our hearts upwards, to the Father of lights, from whom all good things come, then we can recognize the warm light of God's loving grace. Thank you Lord, you are a wonderful shepherd!
God has begun a good work with Martin and He will also complete it in His faithfulness. Amen!
We continue to thank all faithful prayers!
May the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit be with us all!
Best regards
Dietmar&Ann Reichenberger
Update on Tuesday, 11.02.2025
Martin is making progress, even if small progress, but things are looking up.
The wound that occurred when the Baclofen pump was inserted (Baclofen is a drug from the group of muscle relaxants. It is used to treat spasticity in spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis) had to be opened up again and treated, as it has not yet grown together properly.
Martin used to be artificially ventilated through a tracheostomy. Martin now breathes mainly on his own. Over time, this placeholder on his neck had led to the formation of a granuloma (nodular accumulation caused by a chronic inflammatory irritation or when foreign bodies become encapsulated) at this point. Another suitable placeholder must now be found that no longer irritates Martin.
As mentioned earlier, Martin has been vomiting from time to time. For this reason, his stomach protection medication has now been increased.
Martin is now also moving his head a little. He also holds a small ball and his toothbrush when you hold them in front of his open hand. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
Prayer request:
We thank you for continuing to pray for Martin's complete restoration. Jesus asked the paralyzed man at the pool: "Wilt thou be made whole?" (John 5:6) This word "whole" is rendered in Greek more with the word "completely restored" or "perfectly well" or "without fault or error". So we pray that Martin will be restored by Jesus Christ to a perfectly well condition mentally, spiritually and physically.
Please continue to pray for Martin's family, that they will remain in the rest and peace of God and that they can continue to support God in their ministry of love for Martin.
Thank you! The peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit be with us all!
Update on Thursday, 27.02.2025
Martin has now received the speech computer. This is a computer that reacts to human eye signals and Martin can now communicate with this computer via his eyes. Martin is currently doing his first exercises and completing his first lessons. He is currently training his eyes to fixate on a point for a longer period of time. He is doing this very well and is also having fun. For example, there is a program in which soap bubbles fly across the screen. Martin has to concentrate on one bubble and look at it for a longer time. This bubble then splits into two more bubbles and Martin then has to concentrate on one of these new bubbles so that the one he has concentrated on and looked at splits again and so on. He is very ambitious and has made great progress with this tool in the last few days.
Prayer request:
Please continue to pray that the wound that was created when the Baclofen pump was inserted (update 11.02.) will grow closed again. Unfortunately, it has still not healed completely.
Thank you very much! God's blessing!