A book for the worship of God

God´s Glory and Beauty - A book for the worship of God - 156 pages
Dietmar and Ann Reichenberger realized after some time of following Jesus Christ that praising, glorifying and worshipping God and being thankful in all things at all times (Psalm 34:1, Ephesians 5:20) is one of the most powerful keys God has given us. Praising, thanking, glorifying and worshipping God became part of their daily lives. With this, they overcame with Jesus again and again and also experienced mighty miracles. By worshipping God, we not only overcome the enemy, but at the same time we exalt God, who then goes into action in His Holiness and Power. Praise God, worship Jesus Christ, and walk in the Holy Spirit! Just start reading the scriptures in this book aloud - over and over again - and you will find that in the darkest hours and in times of temptation, God will give you victory in His Son Jesus Christ. Amen!